Sunday, September 20, 2009
Son Dambi la retetitie
Imi place mult Son Dambi arata bine, are o voce puternica si blanda.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Lennon Honors -The Workings Of Evil
In June 4, 2007 the album was released and the Economic Crisis begun in July 2007. This is important because:
I hydroplane in the bank
Comin' down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone
We Rocafella
You know me
An anticipation for precipitation, stacks chips for the rainy day.
Jay, Rain Man is back with little Miss Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?
We can see that Rain Man and Jay-Z are friend
The Economic Crisis was expected by may people but Jay-Z beeing is a mason, and his word say more that most of as think.
Lennon Honors does a very useful thing he splits the lyrics and show who is speaking.
Umbrella is a complex video it specks about a battle between good and evil in a strange way. Rihanna interprets the three characters, the Sun shine - the virgin, the dark - Rain Man and the bad girl.
In the video the Rain Man promises many things to the virgin, and she begins to get interested in him. And here the video gets more interesting, Rihanna is naked, covered in paint and she get into weird position in a pyramid. Lennon Honors thinks that here she is getting birth to six kids after she was raped six times in the scene where the good girl fights the water. And after the rape the good girl is transformed in the bad girl.
This story of possession, sex, Masonic symbols is well known, we could assume that Jay-Z is just trying to get more controversial using this lyrics, but he use the Rockefeller name in his songs. Rockefeller is a trade mark and it is not know how he is allowed to use the name. But Rockefeller is a mason so Jay-Z is friend of him. HTC Hero
You can read more about Occult and Prophetic Messages in Rihanna’s Umbrella
Rihanna and the masons
Umbrella is a strange song because it talks about Dow Jones coming down, Rockefeller and Rain Man.
HTC Hero
The most important thing to remember is that in the current depression we are fk for the next 20 years.
HTC Hero un produs al evolutiei
HTC Hero este un produs al evolutiei, are un design atractiv si dotari foarte bune. Marimea ecranului, tehnologia, rezolutia, plasarea butoanelor marimea si greutatea telefonului sunt asemanatoare cu celelalte telefoane HTC.
Ca si predecesori lui Hero are sase butoane la baza telefonului home, menu, back, send, end, o tasta speciala pentru cautare si un trackball. Dream si Magic par niste telefoane ieftine in comparatie cu HTC Hero care arata mult mai bine. Hero este foarte solid construit, versiunea alba are un invelis din teflon care protejeaza telefonul impotriva murdariei.
Butoanele de la baza sunt mici, separate de spatii egale si putin ovale. Are un singur buton pentru volum si are un jack de 3,5mm. Ecranul este tratat, are un strat protector care previne depunerea uleiului de pe degete.
Hero este un telefon elegant si modern, exista o mare diferenta intre Magic si Hero dar are cateva mici probleme. Butonul back nu este plasat in cea mai buna pozitie, cand îl folosesti trebuie sa misti mana intr-o pozitie ciudata. Dar pentru stangaci butonul este usor de folosit, plasare este surprinzatoare pentru ca pe Magic tasta back este mai bine plasata.
Hero are un procesor Qualcomm 528MHz CPU, 288MB de RAM si 512MB ROM. Are WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth si un chip HSPA.
Ecranul este minunat, este acoperit cu un material impotriva petelor la fel ca iPhone 3GS, chiar daca materialul respinge uleiul ecranul tot mai trebuie curatat. Ecranul este capacitiv cu o marime de 3,2 inch, cu o rezolutie de 480x320. Ecranul a fost îmbunatatit simtitor, timpul de raspuns, luminozitate, claritatea si culorile sunt mai bune decat la Magic.
HTC Hero are o camera de 5 megapixeli cu autofocus, care este uimitoare. Majoritatea telefoanelor touch-screen au camere de 3,2 megapixeli, dar cu Hero poti face o poza buna iar viteza cu care face poze a fost cu mult imbunatatita fata de Magic. Hero filmeaza la o rezolutie de 352x288, care este destul de putin dar inregistrarile sunt mai bune decat la alte aparate cu aceiasi rezolutie.
Bateria este impresionanta, cu o singura incarcare poti naviga o zi intreaga pe internet prin WiFi. In standby consuma foarte putina energie dar cand îl pornesti majoritatea aplicatiilor se conecteaza la internet, asta face ca viteza telefonului sa fie putin incetinita, asta in functie de cate zeci de aplicatii folosesti.
The Pan-Andromeda Archeological Survey (PAndAS), led by Alan McConnachie of the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Victoria BC, is using the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope to map the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies. This map, the largest of its kind, will allow astronomers to test the hypothesis that galaxies grow by “cannibalizing” other galaxies.
HTC Hero foloseste sistemul de operare Android de la Google cea ce inseamna libertate totala. Toate telefoanele care folosesc Android nu pot fi blocate intr-o anumita retea, asa ca telefonul nu trebuie decodat.
Interfata este mult imbunatatita, interfata are numele de “Sense Experience” si este mult mai atragatoare si rapunde mai usor decat interfata celorlalte telefoane.
Tastatura on screen este buna, dar cam inceata in comparatie cu o tastatura full QWERTY reala.
Physical endurance – how long we can keep exercising – depends on how much oxygen can be supplied to our muscles and how efficiently our muscles release energy by burning up the fuel we get from the food we eat. In particular, using fat as a fuel is less efficient than using glucose from carbohydrates, but the metabolic changes induced by different diets are complex and it has been controversial whether high-fat feeding for a short time would increase or decrease physical performance.
HTC a creat propria aplicatie pentru Twitter, Peep care apare in doua versiuni una pe home screen care permite citirea ultimelor tweeturi, iar aplicatia full poate fi accesata din primul widget sau de pe un ecran separat, aplicatia full este asemanatoare cu cea de pe iPhone si se comport excelent.
"Humans aren't the only animals who wonder if the grass is greener elsewhere, but it's hard to abandon what we know in hopes of finding something better," said John Pearson, Ph.D., research associate in the Duke Department of Neurobiology and lead author of a study published in this week's Current Biology.
HTC Hero suporta Flash. Ati auzit bine spre deosebire de iPhone, Pre sau BlackBerry, HTC Hero suporta fisierele Flash. Chiar daca nu poate reda toate fiserele in versiunea actuala, Google pregateste un update care va permite o mai buna rulare a fisierelor.When the researchers applied the new methodology to countries with low-quality national income data, the new estimates were significantly different. For example, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, lights suggest a 2.4-percent annual growth rate in GDP, while official estimates suggest a negative 2.6-percent growth over the same time period. The Congo appears to be growing faster than official estimates suggest. At the other end, Myanmar has an official growth rate of 8.6 percent a year, but the lights data imply only a 3.4-percent annual growth rate.
HTC Hero este cel mai bun telefon Android de pe piata, ofera foarte multa libertate, are dotari excelente si ofera o experienta unica. Iar aplicatia Google Sky Maps care nu are o utilitate foarte mare, i-ti arat ca un Andoid poate combina toate dotarile intr-o singura aplicatie.
In Romania HTC Hero nu a fost adus de nici un operator de telefonie, dar poate fi gasit la eMAG unde HTC Hero este mai ieftin decat HTC Magic
Using a finding that the genetic complexity of tumors in mice parallels that in humans, researchers at the Duke University Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy and Duke University Medical Center are starting trial studies in mice, just like human clinical trials, to evaluate whether understanding tumor diversity can improve cancer treatment.
"Giving everyone the same few current treatments doesn't take the very different types of tumors into account," said Joseph Nevins, Ph.D., Barbara Levine University Professor of Breast Cancer Genomics at Duke, who directs the Center for Applied Genomics & Technology at Duke. "It's like trying to treat a virus infection without recognizing that it may be HIV, influenza or cold virus."
Tech N9ne Night And Day
Tech N9ne Night And Day lyrics
Verse 1:
Other rap is out commission to the mouth they 'bout to listen do it up
Reroute conditions make you bounce without permission
Check it out we 'about to glisten, bring 'em out we scout them chickens
We don't need no strife in this cause life's a bitch never doubt we thizzlin' (x4)
Better triple lock your vixens, cause I make them rock with diction
Let go inhibitions & hittin' this one with all the fixins
So put the knife away party your life away
Hardly evil cause we the party people night and day (x8)
Night and day (we we we what?) Party palet. We party hardy hard
(Verse 2:)
Life's a bianca, so me and Cali create the Funkra
Don't interput me during me mantra
Hunts for party chicks in Shreelanca
Past them hookers with fat ass like Ashton Kutcher we punk'd ya (x4)
Dash to liquor sto past me no Michelob bastard
Half on the Henndo & Captain wit it cause we masters
Heineken bottles behind a thin model with collagen
Kind in Colorado benign like rollo she swallowin' (x8)
We party
Tarantula with fruit punch vodka and cranberry sara cara terra bou lou
So I can stand barely Yeager bombs Goldenslager or you can feel the pain of
Quervo Silver Patron Tequila (x12)
Dos Equis Corona Sapporro
Give me the Pies Porter Goldstofchen out of the bottle
Gobble the Malibu baby I don't mean to startle you
We do what we gotta do to get the party inside of you (x16)
(Verse 3:)
I hit the party with 50 niggas we blood hounds
We come to kick it with bianca's and tear the club down
If these hataz trippin' cause their women love clowns
At the back of the club stickin' she making love sounds (x4)
Have women and we'll travel she will straddle
Saddle up bitches cause this is a real battle
I'm loving to palet rock & roll even Sade
Playin' when layin' having our nasty little swaray (x8)
Party like it's your last day to get your last say
Take the pathway to Xtc hit you the fast way get so drunk I might
Just have to crawl 2 nite I'm 'bout to rock it shake it rip it up and ball 2 nite (x12)
Shakira beast fk, threesome
Take a look off in my eyes I come with no disguise
I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt Imma big surprise
Gotta party right away we can hit your hide away
KCMO is just a flight away...Night and Day (x16)
This songs rocks, to bad we don't hear more from Tech N9ne. Are they dead?
Jay-Z Run This Town a Masonic video
and laughs and then "Im in mason". So he is talking about Lucifer. This show that that those paranoid dudes that write and talk about the Masons are wright. Masons are a bunch of people that believe that Lucifer exist and was exiled, and they want to bring him back.
There are two possibility's:
1. God and Lucifer are real, and God is just a title that can be taken by someone else. And the Masons are trying to promote Lucifer.
2. God and Lucifer are not real, and all of those that believe in this things are doing this based on frustration. This is my favorite, because a world that is ruled by a God, means that we are limited by hes wishes
This is a short explication video
This shit with Masons is scary, if it is real. But I hope that it isn't
Jay-Z Run This Town Lyrics:
Feeling it coming in the air,
hear the screams from everywhere,
I’m addicted to thrill,
Its a dangerous love affair,
Can’t be scared when nickels down,
got a problem tell me now,
Only thing thats on my mind is who gon run this town tonight,
who gon run this town tonite,
We gon run this town!
We are,
yeah I said it we are,
this is Roc Nation,
Pledge your allegiance,
get your fatigues on,
all black everything,
black cards, blacks cars,
all black everything,
and that girls a black birds riding with their dillingers,
i get more in depth,
if you boys really real enough
This is la Familia, I’ll explain later,
but for now let me get back to this paper,
I’m a couple bands down,
and im tryin get back,
I gave doug a grip and lost a flip for five stacks,
me im talking 5 comma 6 zero’s, got zero’s, (?)
back to running circles round..
now we squared up, Hold uuuup
(Rihanna – Chorus)
Life’s a game and but its not fair,
I break the rules so I don’t care,
So i keep doing my own thing,
walking tall against the rain,
victory’s within the mile,
almost there don’t give up now,
only thing thats on my mind is who’s gon run this town tonight,
heeeeey, heeeey, heeeey
who’s gon run this town tonite,
We are,
Yeah I said it we are,
you can call me Ceasar,
in a dark ceasar,
please follow the leader,
So Eric B we are,
Microphone fiend, this the return of The God,
Peace God,
ah ah,
it aint no nobody fresher,
Im in mason, ah, martin, margella,
on the table screaming fuck the other side they jealous,
we got a banquet full of broads,
they got a table full of fella’s,
yeaaaahh, and they aint spending no cake,
they should throw they hand in cos they aint got no spades,
yeah, my whole team got dough,
so my banquet is looking like millionaires row.
(Kanye West)
Its crazy how you can go from being Joe Blow,
to everybody on your dick, no homo,
i bought my whole family whips, no volvo’s
Next time I’m in Church please no photos,
police escorts, everybody passports,
this the life that everybody ask for
This the fast life we are on a crash course
what you think i rap for to push a fucking Rav 4,
but i know that if I stay stunting,
all these girls only gon want one thing,
i can spend my whole life good will hunting,
only good gon come is its good when Im ….,
she got an ass that will swallow up a G-string,
and up top ahh, 2 bee stings,
and im beasting off the re sling,
and my n-gga just made it out the precinct,
we give a damn bout the drama that your dude bring,
im just tryin change the color of your mood ring,
Reebok baby, you need to try some new things,
have you ever had shoes without shoe strings?
whats that Ye? baby these heels,
is that a make?
baby these wheels,
you trippin when you aint sippin, have a refill
you feel like you running huh, now you know how we feel,
Wassup (Jay-Z)
Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeeey,
we gon run this town tonight,
Wassup (Jay-Z)
Google Slapped
Tha page got crawled and showed in Google search but after a couple of hours the page was missing, the page is in the Google index but doesn't show in the search results and now the rest of the pages don't get crawled.
I think that this is a minor slap, I have experienced this kind of slaps in the past but not on an important site like this. I plan to make the best site in a particular area.
There is only one solution, I have to wait a couple of days. And in this time the post must be without links in them. This has to work because I don't want to start over. And in the future I will take link building in 5 links a day steps.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
HTC Hero un produs al evolutiei

HTC Hero este un produs al evolutiei, are un design atractiv si dotari foarte bune. Marimea ecranului, tehnologia, rezolutia, plasarea butoanelor marimea si greutatea telefonului sunt asemanatoare cu celelalte telefoane HTC.
Ca si predecesori lui Hero are sase butoane la baza telefonului home, menu, back, send, end, o tasta speciala pentru cautare si un trackball. Dream si Magic par niste telefoane ieftine in comparatie cu HTC Hero care arata mult mai bine. Hero este foarte solid construit, versiunea alba are un invelis din teflon care protejeaza telefonul impotriva murdariei.
Butoanele de la baza sunt mici, separate de spatii egale si putin ovale. Are un singur buton pentru volum si are un jack de 3,5mm. Ecranul este tratat, are un strat protector care previne depunerea uleiului de pe degete.
Hero este un telefon elegant si modern, exista o mare diferenta intre Magic si Hero dar are cateva mici probleme. Butonul back nu este plasat in cea mai buna pozitie, cand îl folosesti trebuie sa misti mana intr-o pozitie ciudata. Dar pentru stangaci butonul este usor de folosit, plasare este surprinzatoare pentru ca pe Magic tasta back este mai bine plasata.
Hero are un procesor Qualcomm 528MHz CPU, 288MB de RAM si 512MB ROM. Are WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth si un chip HSPA.
Ecranul este minunat, este acoperit cu un material impotriva petelor la fel ca iPhone 3GS, chiar daca materialul respinge uleiul ecranul tot mai trebuie curatat. Ecranul este capacitiv cu o marime de 3,2 inch, cu o rezolutie de 480x320. Ecranul a fost îmbunatatit simtitor, timpul de raspuns, luminozitate, claritatea si culorile sunt mai bune decat la Magic.
HTC Hero are o camera de 5 megapixeli cu autofocus, care este uimitoare. Majoritatea telefoanelor touch-screen au camere de 3,2 megapixeli, dar cu Hero poti face o poza buna iar viteza cu care face poze a fost cu mult imbunatatita fata de Magic. Hero filmeaza la o rezolutie de 352x288, care este destul de putin dar inregistrarile sunt mai bune decat la alte aparate cu aceiasi rezolutie.
Bateria este impresionanta, cu o singura incarcare poti naviga o zi intreaga pe internet prin WiFi. In standby consuma foarte putina energie dar cand îl pornesti majoritatea aplicatiilor se conecteaza la internet, asta face ca viteza telefonului sa fie putin incetinita, asta in functie de cate zeci de aplicatii folosesti.
HTC Hero foloseste sistemul de operare Android de la Google cea ce inseamna libertate totala. Toate telefoanele care folosesc Android nu pot fi blocate intr-o anumita retea, asa ca telefonul nu trebuie decodat.
Interfata este mult imbunatatita, interfata are numele de “Sense Experience” si este mult mai atragatoare si rapunde mai usor decat interfata celorlalte telefoane.
Tastatura on screen este buna, dar cam inceata in comparatie cu o tastatura full QWERTY reala.
HTC a creat propria aplicatie pentru Twitter, Peep care apare in doua versiuni una pe home screen care permite citirea ultimelor tweeturi, iar aplicatia full poate fi accesata din primul widget sau de pe un ecran separat, aplicatia full este asemanatoare cu cea de pe iPhone si se comport excelent.
HTC Hero suporta Flash. Ati auzit bine spre deosebire de iPhone, Pre sau BlackBerry, HTC Hero suporta fisierele Flash. Chiar daca nu poate reda toate fiserele in versiunea actuala, Google pregateste un update care va permite o mai buna rulare a fisierelor.
HTC Hero este cel mai bun telefon Android de pe piata, ofera foarte multa libertate, are dotari excelente si ofera o experienta unica. Iar aplicatia Google Sky Maps care nu are o utilitate foarte mare, i-ti arat ca un Andoid poate combina toate dotarile intr-o singura aplicatie.
In Romania HTC Hero nu a fost adus de nici un operator de telefonie, dar poate fi gasit la eMAG unde HTC Hero este mai ieftin decat HTC Magic