Anyone up for a diversion of arrows? ... we"re about to come in Robin Hood country. Photograph: Neale Clark/Robert Harding World Imagery/Corbis
The TwiTrip sight rolls on. We"re starting to set up up utterly the behind catalog – so far your Twitter tips have propelled us around Paris, San Francisco, Brighton, Bristol, Blackpool, Birmingham and Leeds, with tips trimming from backstreet punk venues to stately tea houses around transvestite musical shows. It seems you are all unequivocally great at this sort of thing.
And once again, I"m at your mercy. On Friday I"ll be TwiTripping towards the East Midlands, nearing in to Nottingham at around 1pm, where, as always, I"ll be asking you what comes next. To send me ideas, twitter @benjilanyado on the day, or feel free to send me any allege tips.
What kind of thing am I seeking for? Tradition, to begin with – I"m a fool for old stuff, and places that haven"t altered in decades. And then, perhaps, something some-more alternative; an art space or gig venue where sparkling new things are going on? Anything, really. It promises to be significantly some-more engaging than my last outing to the city, when I visited a integrate of rarely balderdash tyro clubs prior to collapsing on a mate"s floor. I"m certain you can do improved than that.
I see brazen to your suggestions.
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